I have a story to share of my walk with God and whilst it may be small to others; it is a big story to me. Three years ago, my life changed ten fold after being submerged in heavy sin – I surrendered to God and to this date, I have watched God transform and mold me and I want to share this experience with you. It was painful; at times it was scary and it was not easy.
It is my wish that my testimony; the songs of my past, my story and present will be a sweet testimony that magnifies the one where it all comes from.
I am not interested in becoming an idol and I do not want your praise; all I want is that you acknowledge my experiences and if it inspires you to take a new look at your life with your faith then I hope I have done a great thing for you. I am a 28 year old young man; I am not perfect, I make mistakes, and, I have to walk in humility and say that today I struggle every single day looking for ‘her,’ my future wife. Wherever she may be; I know God will lead her to me or vise versa.
I want to live the life that God has predestined for me. So, why am I doing this? I feel like it is just something I want to do. A lot of what happened to me, I to this day, still do not understand but one day I will know why everything happened the way it did.
This is me, walking by faith. If it counts to you as a shoulder to lean on or a message of comfort; well that is just Christ, working through me as an added blessing – he’s already paid the price.
Walking by faith in marriage and in your life. To put our future and our everything we do into God’s hands and let him take care of it. He does not lie. His words are true. You will come to see this as you grow in your relationship with him and he speaks to your heart. As a God who knows our hearts, knows our every desire; if it is good for us – I cannot see why a father wouldn’t bless his children with good gifts.
The best thing about walking by faith, I believe, is that you do not know the outcome or tomorrow but you can have expectations.
It is like David vs. Goliath; he knew he was much smaller than the giant mighty Goliath, but his confidence in having God with him; allowed him to defeat Goliath but with one small tiny little rock and a slingshot. It is taking the big problems in life that you and I face, giving them to God, believing we have received his help and belittling those problems with his presence in our lives. It is about trusting him. It is about obedience. Its about love.
Let’s start with the story for now. Let’s leave tomorrow to where God leads us. This is intended to be bigger than I am.